Posts from May 2024
So a quick update on my Tour Alberta for Cancer donor raffle: In addition to hand knitted socks, I’m excited to announce a fun little early bird prize for those who donate before May 29th: a hand-knitted stuffed gnome! For more information and a sample photo of what you could win, see my raffle post.
The Tour: Why I Ride
This will be my third year riding in the Enbridge Tour Alberta for Cancer and it occurs to me I’ve never really articulated (or even deeply thought about) why I keep coming back. And so, two months away from the big event, it seemed like the right time to put into words what the Tour has come to mean to me.
I’ve thought of myself as a “cyclist” for as long as I can remember. First, purely as a practical matter, cycling has always been my preferred way to commute (so much so that during my early years of post-secondary I rode to school straight through the winter). But as a sport, there’s few things I enjoy more (skiing and hiking come a close second). The Edmonton River Valley, in particular, has long been a playground to me, with gorgeous paved, gravel, and single track trails that seem to go on forever. Countless are the number of falls days I spent with my wheels crunching through leaves on rolling trails, golden sunlight filtering through the branches overhead.
Then, as is apparently inevitable for folks as they enter middle age, in the last few years I found myself getting into long distance cycling across the beautiful open roads of rural Alberta, and in doing so discovered a whole new kind of joy in a sport I thought I already knew so well.
Throughout those years I’d occasionally thought about signing up for an event like Tour Alberta for Cancer, but I was always a bit intimidated. After all, the physical demands of these types of events are significant (though I would discover, in hindsight, that I’d significantly overestimated the difficulty, or rather underestimated my ability to overcome it), and the fundraising is… daunting to say the least.
But a few of years back, while still working at INVIDI, one of my co-workers put together a team and I decided it was finally time to give it a shot. After all, while an event like the Tour might be intimidating, it’s a lot easier when you know there’s other people who are on the journey with you.
Of course, this first year was 2021, and assuming you haven’t just blanked out that year in your memory–and who would blame you if you did?–you’ve probably already figured out that year was a little… odd. As a consequence, our first Tour ride was in fact a virtual one, which… really wasn’t the same. At all.
And so, while 2021 was technically our first Tour, 2022 was our first real Tour.
Now I won’t lie and say it was easy. The ride itself was challenging, though I have to admit it was not as bad as I’d expected. And fundraising was certainly difficult. But in the end I had no regrets and I immediately signed up for the 2023 ride, having found a new and unexpected passion.
Continue reading...A week of no riding and travel coming up soon means my training routine is set to be seriously disrupted. So I finally just pulled the bike indoors and got on the trainer while I have the chance. And boy it was tough…
Meanwhile I hit the $400 mark in donations! Still a long way to go but I know folks will come through!
I did it! I successfully replaced the bad top screen on my DS Lite. The most nerve wracking part was transferring the speakers but otherwise it went fairly smoothly. Shout out to The Fix on YouTube for the video and Zedlabz for the replacement part!
2024 Tour Raffle
So when I’m not raising money for cancer research I’m a pretty capable knitter with a specialty in much-sought-after socks. Well, now is your chance to get a pair of your own! Contribute to my fundraising campaign and enter a draw for a pair of custom, hand knit socks! Click through to the post to find out more!
So here we are in the middle of May, and while I still have a fair bit of time until the big ride on July 20th and 21st, I still have a long way to go to reach my $2,500 fundraising goal. In past years I’ve been truly amazed by how generous and supportive my friends and family have been; just through internet advocacy and a little gentle… let’s call it nudging, I’ve typically managed to get well past the half way mark. Stir in generous employer support and a bit of self-donation to get over the hump, and hitting that $2,500 goal, while difficult, was quite doable.
But, as I’ve mentioned in past posts, without that employer support, this year is going to be tougher than usual. Fortunately, that also means I have a lot more time to actively raise funds, which brings us to my first event: a hand-knit sock raffle!
Continue reading...While lean product development is all about trying small, cheap experiments, it’s applicable to anything you try for the first time. This is my first year starting plants indoors and I didn’t want to invest in expensive kit while I’m still learning. So here we have my grow table on the cheap: a repurposed SAD lamp sitting atop a garbage bag frame over some TV trays.
While being on a career break right now makes the fundraising campaign tougher this year, it does make for a lot more time to train, and with the weather turning fully to spring I took advantage of it. It’s only an hour in the saddle but it’s the first step on a journey to July!
And while it’s still early and I have a long way to go, I’ve already gotten the first couple of donations that will get me to my goal, so thank you to my early bird donors!