Posts from May 2024

    • While lean product development is all about trying small, cheap experiments, it’s applicable to anything you try for the first time. This is my first year starting plants indoors and I didn’t want to invest in expensive kit while I’m still learning. So here we have my grow table on the cheap: a repurposed SAD lamp sitting atop a garbage bag frame over some TV trays.

    • While being on a career break right now makes the fundraising campaign tougher this year, it does make for a lot more time to train, and with the weather turning fully to spring I took advantage of it. It’s only an hour in the saddle but it’s the first step on a journey to July!

      And while it’s still early and I have a long way to go, I’ve already gotten the first couple of donations that will get me to my goal, so thank you to my early bird donors!
