I tend to be a project oriented guy. I quite enjoy the process of creating things, and having something to tinker on is a great way to kill a little time and get away from work or the TV. But what fun is a project if you can’t share it with people? So this is an attempt to do just that.


While in recent years my career has pivoted into management, coding remains near and dear to my heart, and I usually have a project or two on the go at any given time.

Of course, this is the 21st century, and that means a lot of my projects now live on github. But, for old, dead projects, or even some live ones, I do track a few things here:

Usenet Archive
An HTML/JS experiment in building a self-contained personal data archive.
A port of NetHack for the Nintendo DS.
Nintendo DS EEPROM dump/restore tool.
An SGF Viewer implemented as a Firefox extension.
Perl Module.
A grep replacement written in Perl.
A cut replacement written in Perl.
A DS2Key client for X-Windows.
An LIRC client which generates key strokes using the XTest extension.
My work on Christien Bierre’s port of Generator, a Sega Genesis emulator.
A log watching script that I use on my MythTV Backend.
A transparent git wrapper which adds some useful features.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Level editor.
An old Perl Napster client I built in the long long ago.


Historically I’ve not spent a lot of time dabbling into hardware projects, but I’ve been trying to expand my horizons a bit lately, and so I figured I’d create a section for tracking these things in case I get into it more.

Handwired Alpha
My first DIY mechanical keyboard. Custom cut stainless steel case, plate mounted switches, hand wired to an Itsy Bitsy flashed with QMK firmware.

At one point I also built a MythTV system, though that died when I officially became a cord-cutter…


For a while I maintained a manual list of projects here. Then I decided to move everything into Ravelry. But as I’ve developed much stronger opinions about owning my data, and the virtues of POSSE’ing my content out to silos where I want to participate in communities, I decided to re-parent this data and bring it back into my blog.


I now write posts for each of my projects under the #FinishedObject hashtag. So feel free to pop over there if you want to take a look at what I’ve been working on!

Aside from my own projects and content, I’ve also made the decision to recover and host an incredibly valuable resource that helped me in my early sock knitting journey: Denise’s Toe-up Sock Lessons. While, yes, you can still find this content on the Waybackmachine, I wanted to make this material more accessible, if only because I still go back to it from time to time!


I love to build stuff. I never used to understand the stereotype about guys and their love of tools. Of course, growing up, I never really had access to any, so I never truly understood the fun one can have building things. I understand, now.

Cedar Deck
The two tiered deck I built at the back of our house. Also my first major construction project!
Bicycle Trailer
A long-gone cargo trailer I built for hauling. I think it was stolen…
Rainwater Collection System
Simple water barrel on a stand with a spigot. Not long for this world…