Posts in category 'gardening'

    • It’s Haskap time! We have just three good sized bushes in our front yard, two Borealis and one Aurora, and we managed to pick about three pounds from the Borealis bushes without trying that hard (we tend to leave the Aurora for the local bird population).

    • Well, it’s June, and that means it’s time to thin the ol’ apple tree. I knew it’d be a big job–after landscaping trauma she’s in a boom-bust cycle, and this year is a big one–but wow. Four hours and a full 20L pail later…

  • Garden Update

    This is a bit of a belated entry, but hey… better belated than never, eh? Well, I suppose that depends on the content of the entry…

    Anyway, last weekend I decided to ignore the fact that it’s so late in the season and planted a garden anyway! After which we had near-monsoon weather, but… so it goes… hopefully my seeds don’t drown. The end result is depicted below:

    As you can see, I’ve planted a few crops:

    1. Romaine Lettuce
    2. Corn
    3. Parsley
    4. Peas
    5. Dill
    6. Carrots

    The idea was that, hopefully, these crops all can be started late (with the exception of the corn… that’s mostly an experiment). So, in three months, hopefully we’ll have some fresh veggies for the bunnies! Oh, and a few carrots and peas for us.