Pattern Here and There Cables
NeedlesUS 7 - 4.5 mm
Bernat Satin Solids, Sage - 3 skeins

Yeah. Another one of these. Before long I’m gonna be able to knit this pattern in my sleep…

I decided to use Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off for this scarf, after having used it on Lenore’s Toe-Up Toe Socks, and without a doubt, the JSSBO has replaced EZ’s sewn bind-off as my BO of choice. No estimating tail length, no fiddling with a stupid tapestry needle, and the result is, at least in my experience, even stretchier than EZ’s while conforming nicely to ribbing. It is, in short, the shizzle.

As an aside, I also decided to slip the first stitch of every row, which really does wonders for creating a nice, clean edge. It does look a tad funny where the edge flips over on a cable (as the edge stitches don’t have the same vertical gauge as the body), but overall I think the result is much nicer than my old, raggedy edges.