Posts in category 'baking'
Getting better! Finally picked up a couple bannetons which really helps with shaping, and I also avoided over-proofing this time around. Still not too sour yet, but darn tasty!
First sourdough!
Crumb is light, cool, and creamy, just tighter than I’d like due to a combo of under-proofing, poor shaping, and issues loading the loaf onto the steel. I also need to work on my scoring technique.
The rolls could’ve used more heat at the start to get a darker crust.
Flavour is a very mildly tangy French-style lean bread.
Not my best, but given I’m rusty, a good start!
In the last two refreshments of the starter I added 25% rye flour and 1/4 tsp of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to bring down the ph. I can’t tell if the yeast suddenly woke up or if the AAB are just going to town…
Well, the head fake phase of the sourdough proto-starter is over and things have quieted down. Smelling a lot more lactic this morning as the stage is set for those yeg yeast to set up shop! Soon…
After a years long hiatus I decided it was time to get back into bread baking. As part of that return I’m bootstrapping a new sourdough starter, and I forgot how vigorous the false activity is in the first couple days as bacteria pull down the pH in the starter and make the environment suitable for wild yeast. The sponge I prepped doubled in the first 24 hours and then the next 12. It’d be easy to be lulled into thinking this thing was ready to bake with!
First crack at Peter Reinhart’s Italian bread from BBA, in pull apart roll form. Turned out great!
Getting back on the bread train. It’s been a while, but on my second attempt I think I’m shaking the rust off!
More with the Bread... Again
Well, I took the plunge over the weekend and dropped some hefty dollars to get me a copy of The Bread Baker’s Apprentice, by Peter Reinhart. It is, without a doubt, a fantastic book covering the art and science of bread making, providing excellent pictures, illustrations, and formulae for creating great breads of many different styles, from sandwich to artisnal, yeasted to sourdough.
Of course, with a resource like that at my fingertips, it would be silly of me not to make some bread (despite the fact that I made a pair of sandwich loaves over the weekend (25/65/10 white/WW/rye… yummy!)). So, in anticipation of making some lasagna tonight, I decided to try and execute the Italian bread recipe in the book. The results speak for themselves:
Pretty nice, if I do say so myself! Nice colour, decent oven spring (though not great… the bread formed a bit of a skin during proofing which may have limited spring), reasonable scoring (though not on a proper angle, so no “ears”), and the crumb is just what I was looking for: big, irregular holes, with a nice, soft interior. And flavour-wise it’s deliciously complex, without a hint of yeast. My only complaint is that it’s rather salty, though I think that’s a consequence of the recipe rather than botched execution (the formula has salt at 3.6% by weight… by contrast, French bread has just 1.9% salt).
Up next? Sourdough… eventually. The starter is percolating, and smells distinctly like yogurt, which would be the lactobacillus churning away and lowering the ph. Hopefully today or tomorrow it’ll start smelling more like yeast.