Well Worn Ruts
So, the text editor adventure continues. It’s funny, for a long time now coding has lost some of it’s fascination. This is probably at least in part because I’ve been doing it for… 12 years now. Jebus. Thus, I’ve found myself in a bit of a rut. But now I actually find myself looking for reasons to code, if anything to give me an excuse to further explore the power of Vim. Go figure.
‘course, the real question is, what do I work on with my shiny new editor? I could work on, like, work, but that seems wrong somehow. Work on my off-time? How is that a good idea? I could try to come up with a project of my own, but I’m largely tapped out for ideas right now. Or I could continue to try and hack away with POV-Ray… though I’m hardly artistically talented. It’s a bit of a quandry.
What I should really do is see if there’s a script for Vim to publish to a wiki. And should I be unable to find one, maybe I should try to hack one up myself! Hmm… I see a project brewing…
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{{ webmention.content }}
{% endfor %}
No bookmarks were found.
{% endif %}Likes
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{% if webmention.author %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{{ webmention.content }}
{% endfor %}
No links were found.
{% endif %}Replies
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{% if webmention.author %} {% endif %}{% if webmention.content %} {{ webmention.content }} {% else %} {{ webmention.title }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
- {% endfor %}
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
- {% endfor %}
No reposts were found.
{% endif %}-
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
- {% endfor %}
No RSVPs were found.
{% endif %}-
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{% if webmention.author %} {% endif %}{% if webmention.content %} {{ webmention.content }} {% else %} {{ webmention.title }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
No webmentions were found.
{% endif %}