• AJAX in Seaside

    So, in yet another post on a series about Pharo and Seaside, I thought I’d highlight a great strength in Seaside: it’s incredibly powerful support for building rich, AJAX-enabled web applications.

    As any web developer today knows, if you’re building rich web apps with complex user interactions, you’d be remiss not to look at AJAX for facilitating some of those interactions. AJAX makes it possible for a rendered web page, in a browser, to interact with the server and perform partial updates of the web page, in situ. This means that full page loads aren’t necessary to, say, update a list of information on the screen, and results in a cleaner, more seamless user experience (Gmail was really an early champion of this technique).

    Now, traditionally, an AJAX workflow involves attaching Javascript functions to page element event handlers, and then writing those functions so that they call back to the web server using an XmlHttpRequest object, after which the results are inserted into an element on the screen. Of course, doing this in a cross-browser way is pretty complex, given various inconsistencies in the DOM and so forth, and so the web development world birthed libraries like jQuery and Prototype, and higher-level libraries like Script.aculo.us. But in the end, you still have to write Javascript, create server endpoints by hand, and so forth. Again, we’re back to gritty web development. And that makes me a sad panda.

    Of course, this post wouldn’t exist if Seaside didn’t somehow make this situation a whole lot simpler, and boy does it ever. To illustrate this, I’m going to demonstrate an AJAX-enabled version of the counter program mentioned in my first post on Seaside. So, instead of doing a full page refresh to display the updated counter value, we’re simply going to update the heading each time the value changes. Now, again, imagine what it would take to do this is a more traditional web framework. Then compare it to this:

    renderContentOn: html
     | id counter |
     counter := 0.
     id := html nextId.
     html heading id: id; with: counter.
     html anchor
       onClick: (
         html scriptaculous updater
           id: id;
           callback: [ :ajaxHtml | 
             counter := counter + 1. 
             ajaxHtml text: counter.
       url: '#';
       with: 'Increase'.
     html space.
     html anchor
       onClick: (
         html scriptaculous updater
           id: id;
           callback: [ :ajaxHtml | 
             counter := counter - 1. 
             ajaxHtml text: counter.
       url: '#';
       with: 'Decrease'.

    That’s it. The full script.

    Now, a little explanation. The script begins with a little preamble, initializing our counter, and allocating an ID, which we then associate with the header when we first render it. Pretty standard fare so far. The really interesting bit comes in the anchor definition, and in particular the definition of the onClick handler. Of course, this bit bares a little explanation.

    The various tag objects in Seaside respond to selectors that correspond to the standard DOM events. When sending such a message, the parameter is an instance of a JSFunction object, which encapsulates the actual javascript that will be rendered into the document. Now, in this particular example, we’re actually using part of the Scriptaculous library wrapper to create an “updater” object, a type of JSFunction, which takes the ID of a page element, and a callback, and when invoked, causes the callback to be triggered. Upon invocation, this callback is passed an HTML canvas, and when the callback terminates, the contents of that canvas are used to replace the contents of the indicated page element. Neat!

    So in this particular case, we have two anchor tags, each of which has an onClick event registered which, when invoked, updates the counter value and then updates the heading on the page.

    By the way, there’s also a little bit of extra magic going on here. You’ll notice the ‘counter’ variable is local, while in the original example it was an instance variable. But this works, here, because those callbacks are actually lexical closures, and so the ‘counter’ variable sticks around, referenced by those closures, even though the function itself has returned, and the variable technically has gone out of scope.

    To me, the really amazing thing, here, is that never once do I, as a developer, have to even touch HTML or Javascript. The entire thing is written in clean, readable Smalltalk, and it’s the underlying infrastructure that translates my high-level ideas into a functional, cross-browser implementation. Once again, Seaside let’s me forget about all those annoying, gritty little details. I just write clean, expressive Smalltalk code, and it Just Works, exactly as I would expect it should.


    If you want to see the above application running live, you can find it here.

  • Why Developers Should Be Writers

    In my many years in the software development industry, not to mention my many years in the software development education industry, I’ve been continually amazed by the tacit acceptance of the fact that many (most?) software developers are terrible writers. The university programmes don’t require anything beyond a simple English 101 class, and companies simply accept the fact that many of their people are, at best, barely literate. It’s a sad, stupid state of affairs, and I figured I’d take a few minutes to explain why I think it’s a detriment to the industry as a whole.

    You see, in my mind, at it’s core, software development is fundamentally an act of communication. Of course, there’s the obvious fact that a developer must take their ideas and communicate them to the computer, which then executes them. But as developers, we must also communicate ideas to our users, through the user interfaces we build. And we must also communicate ideas to other developers through the code itself, not to mention the comments therein (after all, as any developer will tell you, development is as much, if not more, about reading code as it is writing it).

    Similarly, writing is, obviously, an act of communication. When a writer writes, their goal is to take amorphous, ephemeral ideas, and turn them into concrete, written words which preserve the essence of those ideas and communicates them to the reader.

    Now, in order to communicate complex ideas through written word, one must master some very basic skills:

    1. The ability to clearly conceptualize an idea and transform it into a more concrete expression.
    2. The ability to break down that idea into simple parts that can be easily explained.
    3. The ability to explain those parts in a way the reader can understand.
    4. The ability to take those parts, now explained, and to synthesize them into a coherent whole.

    Does this sound anything at all like software development?

    Furthermore, a capable writer pays attention to detail. He is as much concerned with the way an idea is expressed as he is with communicating the idea itself. For example, I could’ve written this entire post in short, terse sentences with no paragraph breaks. But I care as much about how these ideas are communicated as I do about the actual act of communicating them.

    Similarly, in the area of software development, while two developers may derive the same solution to a problem, one may choose to write terse, difficult to read code that’s poorly formatted and organized, and consequently difficult to maintain, while the other may produce code that’s precisely the opposite.

    By now you can probably guess what I’m getting at. I would surmise that you would find a correlation between developers who are skilled writers, and those who produce code that’s clean, readable, and maintainable. Now, that’s not to say there aren’t exceptions. I’m sure there are many many developers out there that are great writers yet terrible developers, and vice versa. But I would contend that, statistically, you would find a correlation between writing skill and development skill, and at their core, these two disciplines are really very similar.

    So why is it that we accept such poor writing skill in the development community? Quite honestly, I’m not sure. I think part of the issue is the fundamental belief that software development is an engineering skill, a process that’s dominated purely by technological problems that must be solved with technological solutions. I suspect it’s also driven by a false dichotomy, the idea that writers are “thinkers” and technologists are “doers”. But I truly believe it needs to change. Meanwhile, the next time I interview someone, I may be tempted to ask them to write a short essay on a topic of my choice…