Journalling Update
My switch to Vim for journalling can be described as nothing less than a rousing success!
As of this writing I’ve written over 25,000 words using my Vim-based setup and it has been, to put it mildly, an absolute joy.
The switch to using my instrument of choice–the computer–as my preferred method of journalling has freed my inner dialog from the restrictions of my sluggish, illegible printing. And the sheer portability of my laptop means that I never feel as though the choice to go digital has been an albatross. Quite the contrary, in fact, since I’m rarely without my laptop, but frequently don’t have my notebook with me.
For anyone with a bit of a technical bent, I strongly recommend Vim + Goyo + Limelight as a writing stack. The tooling gives me everything I’d want from a distraction-free writing experience, without costing me a penny, with all the power of my favourite editor.
Ironically, the biggest downside is that I’m back into the habit of pressing Escape every time I’m done writing something… even if I’m writing in a web form. And that means I frequently accidentally back out changes to JIRA tickets at work… damn it…
And speaking of work, I’ve also moved to this same stack for taking my own work notes and tracking my work-related tasks. Turning a bulleted list into a set of checkboxes in Vimwiki is a Ctrl+Space awaym, so I can quickly and easily write out the day’s plan, accomplishments, and misses. Synchronizing with OneDrive means I can get the same set of notes on any of my work environments. I highly recommend it!
Review: Ancillary Justice
Review of Ancillary Justice (Imperial Radch #1.0) by Ann Leckie (9780316246637)★★★( a remote, icy planet, the soldier known as Breq is drawing closer to completing her quest.
Once, she was the Justice of Toren - a colossal starship with an artificial intelligence linking thousands of soldiers in the service of the Radch, the empire that conquered the galaxy.
Now, an act of treachery has ripped it all away, leaving her with one fragile human body, unanswered questions, and a burning desire for vengeance.
Ancillary Justice feels like the archetype of the massive vision science fiction novel… i.e., all concept, no character.
The first person perspective ensures that the only character we really get to know is Justice of Torren One Esk, but as a character, One Esk is a cardboard cutout. This is ironic as the setup would seem to make this narrative a great opportunity for a character study, but as we draw back the covers of One Esk, there just isn’t much there there.
As for the supporting cast, there’s little to recommend them, and in fact Seivarden is downright unpleasant for most of the book, with a mysterious turnaround partway through that I still don’t understand.
Continue reading...Journalling with Vim
I’ve toyed on and off with journalling for some time now. Not blogging, which is a much more public activity focused on sharing, but true journalling: the writing of thoughts for personal reasons and not for public consumption.
But it’s never really taken.
I’ve tried to be consistent about writing travel logs for major trips, as I do find that activity extremely powerful for both cementing memories at the time and allowing me to refresh my memories after the event. But beyond that, it’s not something I’ve been able to turn into a habit.
Now, my past attempts always focused on putting pen to paper, but recently I realized that, as fascinated as I am with notebooks and so forth… well, I bloody well hate physical writing! Because I’m horribly out-of-practice, it’s slow, tiring, and messy, while affording me no real benefits. It simply gets in the way, and in doing so, makes the act of journalling more unpleasant.
And, the reality is I’m a technologist. My tools are the screen and the keyboard. Why fight that?
So I decided to turn to those tools to build an alternative stack built on Vim, plus a few plugins, based on this blog post.
For basic journalling functionality, vimwiki and calendar-vim are a perfect combination:
Automatic timestamped files with basic markup and linking. Simple. Easy. Portable.
After that, it’s all about ergonomics. My preferred writing environment is spartan and attractive, with a large, easy-to-read font. That brings us to a few additions:
- Goyo
- Limelight
- Office Code Pro Font (light version)
- Customized Lucius color scheme
Finally, we have a bit of vimrc configuration that I’ve found handy:
" Automatically switch to writing mode when a wiki page is opened. au FileType vimwiki set guifont=Office_Code_Pro_Light:h14|call pencil#init({'wrap': 'soft'})|set sbr= " Turn on Limelight when Goyo is enabled autocmd! User GoyoEnter Limelight autocmd! User GoyoLeave Limelight! " Hotkey mapping to open the calendar pane map <leader>C :Calendar<cr> map <leader>G :Goyo<cr>
And voila!
Now, I’m still getting used to this setup, so I could see it requiring additional tweaks. And it is Vim, so it’s not the ideal word processing environment (though I finally figured out the right formatoption tweaks to get paragraph reflow to mostly work the way you’d expect). But it’s simple and it works!
The only remaining question is whether I’ll actually start building up the habit…
Hackintosh as NAS
So in my previous post I mentioned some challenges I encountered using macOS on my Hackintosh as a NAS, and my ultimate success in getting it working with Windows as a backup server… after moving the actual NAS’ing to a Linux VM.
What I didn’t realize then, but I know now, is that at least on my NUC, for some reason, the IntelMausiEthernet is not actually stable! I don’t know if it’s tied to high/sustained load, but for whatever reason, over time the NIC would lose connectivity with the network. Re-plugging the network cable resolved the issue, but it would quickly recur.
This rapidly became a dealbreaker, as not only did it render the machine useless for backups, it also made it useless as a Transmission server.
Now, before you ask, no, I haven’t spent any time debugging the issues and don’t plan to. So I haven’t a clue what was actually wrong.
My solution was a lot simpler: I just bought a USB Ethernet dongle and moved on with my life. That, fortunately, has worked like an absolute charm and solved all of my network stability issues!