Posts from January 2022

  • A New Years Post

    It’s a new year, my break is almost over, but there’s time for one more Blogging for the Holidays post before I do a wrap-up. Warning: this one is pretty haphazard.

    I honestly have no specific ideas for what I’m going to cover in this post, but I figured as I rambled some sort of theme would present itself. Of course, that turns out to have only been marginally true, so what you’re about to experience is a disorganized set of milestones from the year that I thought up as I as writing this thing. But I thought it would be good to have something to wrap up my thoughts for the year so that I can look back and remember how I was seeing things before I took the plunge into 2022.

    This will be followed up, tomorrow, with my Blogging for the Holidays wrap-up post where I’ll include links to the posts in the series, along with some closing word salad to finish things up.

    Alright, so, speaking of word salad…

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