My favourite Slack anti-pattern:
Person: Hey, do you have a minute for a quick call?
Me: Sure!
[15 minutes goes by]
Me: Okay, well, I need to go do something else now, but I’ll be available in 20 minutes.
Person: [attempts to call immediately]
[20 minutes goes by]
Me: Alright, I’m free again.
[10 minutes goes by]
Person: Too late, I’m busy.
Me: 😑😐😡
{% if webmentions.size > 0 %}
{%- if html_proofer_ignore == "all" -%}
{%- assign html_proofer_attr = " data-proofer-ignore" -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% if webmentions.size > 0 %}
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{{ webmention.content }}
{% endfor %}
No bookmarks were found.
{% endif %}Likes
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{% if %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if webmentions.size > 0 %}
{%- if html_proofer_ignore == "all" -%}
{%- assign html_proofer_attr = " data-proofer-ignore" -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if webmentions.size > 0 -%}
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{{ webmention.content }}
{% endfor %}
No links were found.
{% endif %}Replies
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{% if %} {% endif %}{% if webmention.content %} {{ webmention.content }} {% else %} {{ webmention.title }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
- {% endfor %}
{% if webmentions.size > 0 %}
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
- {% endfor %}
No reposts were found.
{% endif %}
{% if webmentions.size > 0 %}
{% capture webmention_types %}{{ types | join: ',' }}{% endcapture %}
{{ count }}{% capture webmention_types %}{{ types | join: ',' }}{% endcapture %}
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
- {% endfor %}
No RSVPs were found.
{% endif %}
{% if webmentions.size > 0 %}
{% for webmention in webmentions %}
{% if %} {% endif %}{% if webmention.content %} {{ webmention.content }} {% else %} {{ webmention.title }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
No webmentions were found.
{% endif %}