Posts in category 'hacking'

  • Amusing Nerd Statistic For The Day

    At work, I’m more or less the sole custodian of a major software component, and I’ve switched my day-to-day operations over to using git as a frontend to the corporate Subversion repository. Now, part of this work involves managing three different product branches (a trunk version, a legacy version, and a current stable), plus now that I’m using git, I’ve started creating lots of topic branches for features I want to include, but am not ready to commit yet.

    Well, I got curious about disk space usage, as git is supposed to be really efficient. Here’s what I found:

    1. Trunk and current stable checked out from SVN. Total disk space, 118M.
    2. Git tree containing complete code and history for trunk, legacy, current stable, and five topic branches: 42M.

    Now that’s what I call efficient!

  • Slow, Inexorable Progress

    Very very slow… or, at least it feels that way. In reality, I can’t really complain. Word wrapping, even nice paragraph-reflowing word wrapping, is in and works quite nicely. Meanwhile, the command window is now finished, and supports snazzy scrolling when it’s necessary (of course, the default font still doesn’t require it, but switching to, say, the map font, which is 8x16, results in four pages of commands). It’s lightening quick, too, unlike the rest of the rendering code (yay large backbuffers and DMA copies). Meanwhile, the menu item wrapping code is… coming along.

    Of course, the menu code has been a constant thorn in my side… I’m starting to realize I really need to go back and rethink how the code is designed, but at this point, I just want to get it working and move the heck on. Of course, that may be easier said than done. Currently, the big problem is that, previously, I could assume menu pages were the same size. After all, every item had the same height, so once the page size was calculated, it was basically constant. But now, with items being wrapped, they may take up two or even three lines in the menu, and I suddenly need a much smarter algorithm for determining how to page forward/back through the menu. It’s all quite tedious… which is why, I suspect, I left it for so long. sigh


    Well, in a wave of inspiration, I managed to get the scrolling issues fixed before I left for work this morning (yay for extremely simple solutions). There’s still at least one crasher I’ve come across, but so far things are looking pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.