Posts in category 'hacking'
As If I Didn't Have Enough Hobbies
People who know me well know I’m rather obsessed with music. I love listening to it, I love singing, and I love playing it (mainly on my accoustic guitar, and badly at that). But my playing has always been of the incredibly amateur, self-taught variety… ie, I can fingerpick a simple song or play a decent set of chords, but dear god don’t ask me to improvise on the spot.
That said, I do sometimes find myself plucking out melodies and playing around a bit with composition. Nothing serious, mind you, and entirely ephemeral, as I never actually record what I’m doing, but I do enjoy the activity, as I find it incredibly organic and instinctive.
Well, recently, on a whim, I decided to see what was available for music composition applications for my Touch. If you’ve actually read anything on this blog (and odds are you haven’t), you may have heard I picked up a 4g iPod Touch recently, and have been having a great time discovering great applications for making my life easier (Appigo Todo, Trunk Notes, and a ton of others). Well, it turns out there’s also an absolutely unbelievable DAW for iDevices: NanoStudio. And by unbelievable, I mean a full-blown music studio sporting:
- A powerful drum machine that supports 2 tracks and 4 buses, with a ton of options for pad configuration.
- 4 full synthesizers with 10 different effects available (and 128 stock presets), X-Y pad controls, a pitch wheel, and a patch panel for tying them all together.
- A complete multitrack sequencer.
- A mixer for adjusting the levels on all these lovely things.
- Support for resampling output, which you can then tie back to the synth or drum machine.
- Probably tons of other stuff.
And because it’s all done via a simple touch-based interface, the workflow is dead simple and incredibly natural. And being portable, it means you can compose wherever and whenever you feel like it.
Suddenly I feel unleashed! Creating music on this thing is unbelievably easy… instead of my clumsy hands limiting my creativity, the only thing stopping me is my brain and my need for sleep (and, I kid you not, killing time with this is way too easy… like, hours disappearing without my noticing).
So if you’re at all interested in music composition, check NanoStudio out. At $15 it’s an absolute steal. And going forward, the author has plenty of enhancements in the hopper, not to mention a full iPad version in the works (quite honestly, this might be the killer app for me that triggers my investment in an iPad).
ColdFusion Tip Of The Day - CFCs Are *Objects*
So I have the “pleasure” of working on a couple ColdFusion projects on the side. The thing about ColdFusion is it’s a lot like Perl: wonky syntax, often used by total amateurs, and can be horribly abused to do really bad things. And guess who primarily uses ColdFusion? Yeah… total amateurs.
As a beautiful example, let’s consider the CFC, or ColdFusion Component. This concept was added to ColdFusion in order to add modularity and object orientation to what was, frankly, a largely procedural programming mish-mash. And it does a pretty good job:
- It provides mechanisms for encapsulation.
- It encourages code reuse.
- It encourages documentation.
Well, assuming it wasn’t being used by amateurs. See, a CFC can, and should, be used like a real object. But let’s say you’re a dumbass who doesn’t understand object oriented programming. Well, in that case, you might do something really stupid, like use a CFC as just a container for a bunch of utility functions that are only loosely related. For example, you might do something stupid like:
<cfcomponent output = "false"> <cffunction name = "init" access = "public" returntype = "myType"> <cfreturn this> </cffunction> <cffunction name = "firstThing" access = "public"> <cfargument name = "Datasource" type = "string" required = "1" /> ... </cffunction> <cffunction name = "secondThing" access = "public"> <cfargument name = "Datasource" type = "string" required = "1" /> ... </cffunction> <cffunction name = "thirdThing" access = "public"> <cfargument name = "Datasource" type = "string" required = "1" /> ... </cffunction> </cfcomponent>
See, because this person is a moron, they don’t understand the concept of instance variables. A smart person would stuff the datasource into an instance variable, and populate it when the object is initialized. A complete moron would just pass the same parameters in over and over again because he or she is a god damned moron who shouldn’t be allowed near a computer, let alone permitted to program one.
deep breath
Bonus tip: Naming arguments to a function “table1”, “table2”, “table3”, etc, should resulting in the “developer” being dragged into the town square, tarred, and feathered.
Haskell + Data Analysis -> Good Times
So, as part of my ongoing obsession with toying with unusual programming languages, Haskell has periodically popped on and off my radar. The problem is, it’s rare that I find a problem where I feel like sitting down and figuring out how to solve it in Haskell, particularly since Haskell’s strengths and weaknesses don’t often mesh with the kinds of ad-hoc programming I tend to do (for example, Haskell sucks for text parsing, primarily due to performance constraints, and I find much of the random coding I do involves high-volume text processing).
But all that has changed due to an interesting problem we’ve been fighting with at work. You see, on one of our production servers, we’re having performance problems. And so the first thing we did was find a way to collect telemetry. Of course, the first cut dumped out raw CSV files, which are a pain in the butt to manipulate in interesting ways, and as a result, I found myself writing a lot of Perl to deal with the data we received. Not fun.
Finally, after days of this, I decided to write a new tool that collects telemetry as we were doing before, but rather than using CSV, stores the data in an SQLite database, thus making the information a hell of a lot easier to manipulate. “But now you need to analyze that database!”, you say. Ahh yes, you’re quite right, and normally I might turn to Perl to do just that. However, it turns out, Haskell is more or less perfect for that very job.
See, Haskell just so happens to have HDBC, which is really the Haskell equivalent to Perl’s DBI. And there just happens to be an SQLite HDBC driver available, which provides a nice functional interface to the underlying database. With this combination, querying the database and manipulating its contents becomes exceedingly easy. And in particular, because of Haskell’s laziness, we can do much of our processing in a streaming fashion, rather than bulk loading large amounts of data for processing.
For example, suppose we have a table as follows:
ID Date Value Where you may have multiple rows for a given date. Now say you want to take that table, and group it so that all the rows for the same date are collected together. Well, in Perl, you’d probably set up a loop, track the previous and next rows, build a list in memory, and output the results as you go, and that would work out just fine. But it’s tedious. Haskell, on the other hand, makes this all remarkably easy.
First, let’s back up. What we really want to do is take a list of items, and then group them together based on some kind of splitting function. It may be a list of integers, a list of strings, or a list of database rows. But in the end, it’s really all the same thing. Well, you could define a function like that as follows:
~> splitWhen :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) splitWhen func [] = ([], []) splitWhen func (head:[]) = ([head], []) splitWhen func (first:second:rest) | func first second = (first:result, remainder) | otherwise = ([first], second:rest) where (result, remainder) = splitWhen func (second:rest) ~> splitList :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] splitList func [] = [] splitList func lst = group:(splitList func remainder) where (group, remainder) = splitWhen func lst
So, first we define splitWhen, which is a function that takes:
- A test function.
- A list.
The test function is applied to each pair of items in the list, starting at the beginning, and the list is split at the point where the function returns false. splitList then uses splitWhen to break a whole list into groups. So, for example:
splitList (\x y -> x < y) [ 1, 2, 1, 3 ]
[ [1, 2] [1, 3] ]
But this code has another interesting property that may not be obvious to someone unused to Haskell: these functions are lazy. That means they only do work as elements are requested from the list. For example, given this code:
take 5 $ splitWhen (\x y -> x < y) [ sin x | x <- [ 1 .. ] ]
The second part of this statement generates an infinite list of the sin() values of the whole numbers starting from 1. And splitWhen operates on that list. If this weren’t Haskell, this code would run forever, but because Haskell evaluates statements lazily, this only returns the first 5 groups, as follows:
[ [0.8414709848078965, 0.9092974268256817], [0.1411200080598672], [-0.7568024953079282], [-0.9589242746631385, -0.27941549819892586, 0.6569865987187891, 0.9893582466233818], [0.4121184852417566] ]
Nice! As an aside, this is one of the more interesting aspects of Haskell: it encourages you to write reusable functions like this.
So, let’s apply this to a database query. Well, it turns out, that’s dead simple. You’d just do something like:
conn <- connectSqlite3 "database.db" stmt <- prepare conn "SELECT Date, Value FROM theTable ORDER BY Date" execute stmt [] groups <- (splitWhen (\(adate:rest) (bdate:rest) -> adate == bdate)) `liftM` (fetchAllRows stmt) putStrLn $ take 5 groups
Yeah, okay, this is a little dense. The first few lines prepare our query. No big deal there. It’s the last line where the magic really happens. First, let’s start on the far right. Here we see the function fetchAllRows being called. That function returns the rows generated from the query, but it does so lazily. So rows are only retrieved from the database as they’re needed. We then apply the splitWhen function to the results (ignore the liftM, that has to do with Monads, and you probably don’t want to know…). And then we take 5 groups from the result. Voila! In a surprisingly small amount of code, a huge chunk of which is nicely generic and reusable, we can do what, in Perl, would likely take dozens of lines of code. Pretty nice!
Dangers of Abstraction
One of the more impressive things about Pharo/Squeak is the level of depth in the core libraries, and how those libraries build upon each other to create larger, complex structures. One need only look at the Collection hierarchy for an example of this, where myriad collection types are supported in a deep hierarchy that allows for powerful language constructs like:
aCollection select: aPredicateBlock thenCollect: aMappingBlock
to work across essentially every type of collection available. Unfortunately, building these large software constructs can have negative consequences when one attempts to analyze performance or complexity, and in this post I’ll outline one particular case that bit me a few weeks back.
My problems all started while I was still experimenting with Magma. Magma, as you may or may not recall (depending on if you’ve read anything else I’ve posted… which you probably haven’t) is a pure-Smalltalk object-oriented database whose end goal is to provide the Smalltalk world with a free, powerful, transparent object store.
Now, among Magma’s features is a powerful set of collections, which implement the aforementioned collection protocols, while also providing a much-needed feature: querying. In order to make use of this facility, any column that you wish to generate queries over must have an index defined over it, which is really a glorified hash table on the column1. Whenever you create one of these indexes on a collection, the index itself is squirreled away in a file on disk alongside the database. And that’s where the problems come in.
In my application, a Go game repository, I had a fairly large number of collections sitting around holding references to Game objects (one per individual user, plus one per Go player), and I needed to be able to query each of these collections across a number of features (not the least of which, the tags applied to each game). That meant potentially many thousands of indexes in the system, at least2. And that meant thousands of files on disk for each of those indexes.
Well, when I first hit the site, I found something rather peculiar: initially accessing an individual collection took a very long time. On the order of a few seconds, at least. Naturally this dismayed me, and so I started profiling the code, in order to pin down the performance issues. And I was, frankly, a little shocked at the outcome.
It turns out that, deep in the bowels of the Magma index code, Magma makes use of the FileDirectory class to find the index file name for the index itself. Makes sense so far, right? As part of that, it uses some features of the FileDirectory class to identify files with a specific naming convention. And that code reads the entire directory, in order to identify the desired files.
On the face of it, this should be fine.
However, internally, that code does a bunch of work to translate those file names from Unicode to internal Squeak character/strings. And it turns out that little bit of code isn’t exactly snappy. Multiply that by thousands of files, and voila, you get horrible performance.
So believe it or not, the index performance issues had nothing to do with Magma. It was all due to inefficiencies deep in the bowels of Squeak. And hence the subject of this article. Deep abstraction and code reuse is a very good thing, don’t get me wrong. But any time you build up what I think of as a “cathedral” of code, it’s possible for rotting foundations to bite you later.