Review: Vintage Fork Garlic Tea
A friend of mine got me a set of Vintage Fork savoury teas and I just had to post about them. First one: Garlic

Savoury green tea reminiscent of drinking chicken broth
I started with this tea because, a) I love onion and garlic, and b) I enjoy a nice cup of soup. So how could I possibly go wrong with a tea that tastes like both?
And you know what? This tea is surprisingly good!
The tea brews up looking like a classic green, but the aroma is a definite departure, giving you a hint of what’s to come.
The onion and garlic in this tea are quite well balanced, neither overwhelming nor too subtle. But what really surprised me was how well these flavours paired with the tea. The whole thing really does work well together!
As an aside, I found myself eating sour cream and onion potato chips while drinking this tea, and it really was a tasty combination! Yes, I recognize this is a bit weird.
All in all, I recommend giving this a try!
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