First off, a critical security caveat: These instructions bust open the flatpak sandbox by giving Zen (or Firefox–you can adapt these same instructions to work with any FF-based browser) the ability to run executables on the host system.

Now, in my case, the alternative is running a native version of the browser via tarball or AppImage, so for me it’s six of one and a half dozen of the other. But you have been warned!

Secondly, I should note these instructions are specifically for getting a flatpak version of Zen (or Firefox) working with a native KeePassXC installation. If your KeePassXC install is also a flatpak, you’re gonna have to look elsewhere (I tend to use native packages as much as possible and only fall back on Flatpak when I have no other option).

With that disclaimer out of the way, here’s the instructions I lifted from this Github comment, but with a bit more exposition to make various assumptions in that comment explicit.

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